Hitachi Vantara reshuffles for hybrid cloud & AI focus.

Hitachi Vantara has unveiled a strategic reorganization aimed at accelerating its growth strategy by placing a greater emphasis on hybrid cloud and generative artificial intelligence (AI).

Hitachi Vantara has unveiled a strategic reorganization aimed at accelerating its growth strategy by placing a greater emphasis on hybrid cloud and generative artificial intelligence (AI). As part of this restructuring, Hitachi’s IT Platform Products Management Division will be merged into Hitachi Vantara, creating a unified entity focused on leading the market in data storage, infrastructure, and hybrid cloud management.

The revamped Hitachi Vantara is poised to leverage its extensive expertise in infrastructure and data storage obtained from both manufacturing and hybrid cloud sectors. By fostering a culture of collaboration, the company aims to drive tangible business outcomes for its customers. This strategic integration will enable the technology firm to innovate and adapt in real-time to evolving market demands, building upon its established proficiency in managing data across critical environments.

The corporate reshuffle is prompted by the rapid advancement of technologies like generative AI, leading to a surge in data processing requirements. Many businesses are struggling to meet this growing demand. Recent surveys indicate that approximately 88% of IT professionals lack the resources to support the escalating number of AI-related requests within their organizations, with 90% facing challenges in integrating AI with other systems.

Sheila Rohra, CEO of Hitachi Vantara, emphasized the significance of these changes, stating, “The emergence of generative AI and the exponential growth in data processing power are driving the pace of change, leaving many organizations struggling to keep up. This next phase of business transformation aims to accelerate our execution and expand our business to seize market opportunities in real-time.” She further highlighted that the new structure will enhance the company’s ability to deliver AI-driven data performance, reliability, and resiliency needed by customers across hybrid cloud environments.

To reinforce the new organizational framework, Akinobu Shimada, the former president of Hitachi’s IT Platform Products Management Division, has been appointed chairman of Hitachi Vantara. Shimada expressed confidence in leveraging industry expertise and technical understanding to implement a unified digital infrastructure and AI strategy, thereby enabling impactful outcomes for customers and positioning the company for sustained growth.

As a leader in hybrid cloud storage development, Hitachi Vantara combines on-premises and cloud computing to achieve safety, high performance, reliability, and cost advantages in processing critical, large-scale data for complex business needs. This includes the recent launch of Hitachi iQ, an innovative AI solution developed in collaboration with NVIDIA, which integrates industry-specific capabilities into its AI solution stack.

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