DTEX Systems launches AI assistant to combat insider threats.

DTEX Systems has unveiled the Ai Risk Assistant, an AI-driven tool integrated into its InTERCEPT platform, designed to combat insider threats and mitigate data loss.

DTEX Systems has unveiled the Ai Risk Assistant, an AI-driven tool integrated into its InTERCEPT platform, designed to combat insider threats and mitigate data loss. DTEX claims to be the first organization to leverage generative AI for this purpose. The Ai Risk Assistant processes natural language to offer rapid and comprehensive insights into the nuances of insider risk and intent. It analyzes behavioral telemetry from the InTERCEPT platform to facilitate guided investigations, assisting analysts in asking crucial questions and revealing details about the movement of sensitive information, all while maintaining employee privacy.

The DTEX Ai Risk Assistant utilizes Microsoft Azure OpenAI and leverages DTEX Ai through InTERCEPT’s patented Pseudonymization technique. This technique redacts personally identifiable information (PII) to mitigate the risk of bias from analysts and AI. Marshall Heilman, CEO of DTEX Systems, highlighted the difficulty of identifying genuine insider threats and emphasized the Ai Risk Assistant’s ability to provide actionable insights in real-time without complex database searches or data wrangling.

DTEX’s innovative approach to data gathering, with a focus on behavioral enrichment, sets the Ai Risk Assistant apart. Drawing on over 20 years of insider risk expertise and collaborative data-driven research, the tool positions itself as a true insider risk subject matter expert. Insider threats are becoming increasingly costly, with the average annual cost exceeding $16 million. The Ai Risk Assistant aims to address this by supporting organizations in defending against intellectual property theft, data leakages, and other insider-related incidents.

Amid the geopolitical climate and the growing pressure on organizations to proactively safeguard data and systems, the DTEX Ai Assistant is positioned as a valuable tool. It provides data-driven insights to enhance existing expertise, streamline insider investigations, and strengthen security operations. The Ai Assistant is currently available in preview to select DTEX customers, offering analysts the ability to form relevant search queries without detailed knowledge of the InTERCEPT platform, thus expediting insider threat investigations. Analysts can access DTEX documentation for system guidance or stay informed about the latest insider risk research and advisories.

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