AI-Powered “Digital Twin” Technology Aims to Enhance Safety and Lifespan of Lithium-Ion Batteries

A team of scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Durapower, an energy storage solutions company, have developed an innovative technology called the Fire and Explosion Management System (FXMS).

A team of scientists from Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Durapower, an energy storage solutions company, have developed an innovative technology called the Fire and Explosion Management System (FXMS). FXMS leverages artificial intelligence to create a “digital twin” of lithium-ion batteries, enabling real-time monitoring and predictions of battery conditions. This technology aims to enhance the safety and longevity of lithium-ion batteries widely used in applications ranging from personal mobility devices to electric vehicles.

Lithium-ion batteries offer the advantages of being lightweight and having high energy density, but they can be prone to issues like damage from overcharging and accelerated reactions when exposed to high temperatures. The FXMS system helps mitigate these risks by predicting battery failures with up to 95% accuracy, up to six months in advance. It acts as a predictive maintenance tool, allowing corrective actions to be taken before potentially hazardous situations occur.

One notable benefit of FXMS is its ability to extend battery life by up to 50%, potentially extending the lifespan of electric car batteries from about eight years to 12 years with regular use. The technology is designed to be faster and more efficient than existing battery simulation software, taking only 8 seconds to simulate one hour of battery operations.

The FXMS system is cloud-based and scalable, making it suitable for various applications, including mobility devices, laptops, mobile phones, and electric vehicles. It offers the potential to reduce electronic waste and lower the carbon footprint by helping batteries last longer. Leading auto manufacturers have already expressed interest in adopting this technology.

Additionally, FXMS can be applied to large battery storage systems, such as those used in renewable energy grids or data centers. It enables electrical load rerouting to extend the life of weaker batteries and facilitates temporary shutdown of a battery pack until replacement. This innovation aligns with the goal of reducing carbon emissions associated with battery waste and manufacturing.

Overall, the FXMS technology brings a new level of safety and efficiency to lithium-ion batteries, making it a promising advancement in the rapidly growing field of electric mobility and energy storage.

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