Financial Evolution: AI, Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis 2021

The month of March witnessed the first UNICOM’s Finance conference of 2021 – “Financial Evolution: AI, Machine Learning & Sentiment Analysis” conference, which was held on 24-25 March 2021.

The conference gathered 20+ subject experts and over 900 participants from different parts of the world to discuss the most emerging trends of the financial markets. The speakers line up included Ganesh Mani, Saeed Amen, Matteo Campellone, Ernest Chan, Francesco Cricchio, Alexander Denev, Raul Glavan, Ryoko Ito, Dan Joldzic, Christopher Kantos, Song Lu, Gautam Mitra, Giuliano De Rossi, Sudarshan Sawal, Sonam Srivastava, Devesh Shah, Euan Sinclair and Robin Wigglesworth. Apart from presentations on specific topics, there were 2 panel sessions, 5 Q&A sessions and 4 networking sessions during the two days of the conference.

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