Pfizer Fosters Cultural Change in Sustainable and Accessible Data with MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy assisted Pfizer in ushering in a future of sustainable data culture. Pfizer recognized the benefits of this inevitable change and continues to push the dialogue internally and publicly with the aid of solutions and tools designed to raise the data game.

Recognizing the significance of digital finance and data utility, Pfizer experienced a change and began to view data as an essential corporate asset that needed to be aggregated and organized in ways that made discovering insights simpler while also being available across many platforms.

Steven Dawson, Senior Director, Digital Finance, Pfizer, said, “We realized that there were three very different user personas, the first is the executive leadership team, who need to see very high-level financial data on a monthly basis. The second group we have is the intermediate level of senior leaders, who need to see data for a specific region, perhaps a business unit with a local hierarchy. And then the third group we have is the individual country managers or teams, who need very detailed information and detailed reports.”

MicroStrategy can take all of that data and condense it into multiple dashboards and reports for various levels of access, enabling for a smoother transition to a new data-driven culture—made all the more successful when the organization’s diverse demands are made known.

Dawson added, “In addition to that, it is a very good idea to identify metrics that would help you track adoption or non-adoption, and help shine a light on who is using the dashboards, what particular reports or worksheets they are using, maybe even what types of queries they are running, so we can subsequently improve the application but also ask questions.”

Data became more actionable by taking use of what the platform has to offer. Similarly, beneficial information might be utilised across many parts of the business and markets, aided by business intelligence tools and software, which increases the attraction of adopting the new strategy.

In addition to the financial reporting automation, the self-service model of business intelligence that MicroStrategy is able to bring to the table was a major aspect of the digital transformation. Increased interactability, technological integration (such as natural language generation), and chatbots are just a few of the ways Pfizer has sought to push the envelope.

At the same time, the integration of MicroStrategy prepares the way for the process of overall data streamlining, lessening the strain on cross-departmental requests, and highlighting the necessity for a company as large as Pfizer to upskill and embrace a new way of doing things.

Phong Le, President, CFO, MicroStrategy, said, “At MicroStrategy, we have started to try to solve what we call the ‘last-mile problem’ with Hyperintelligence, which gets insights to users who need them, when they need them, without the need to dig into dashboards and reports.”

MicroStrategy’s solutions of robust data analytics, the ability to bring business intelligence to all levels of an organization, and the self-serve model, like Pfizer’s commitment to embracing sustainable data accessibility, are excellent, foundational steps to helping enterprises forge ahead with data.

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