Grab Malaysia Pilots Fare Bidding Feature, Empowering Passengers and Drivers with Flexible Pricing

Grab Malaysia is currently testing a groundbreaking fare bidding feature, allowing passengers to propose their desired ride price and drivers to either accept or make counter-offers.

Grab Malaysia is currently testing a groundbreaking fare bidding feature, allowing passengers to propose their desired ride price and drivers to either accept or make counter-offers. The experiment is in its early stages, focusing on selected towns in Malaysia.

The optional fare bidding feature is introduced through GrabAcademy, an in-app learning section within the Grab driver-partners app. Users have reported receiving notifications and shared screenshots outlining the details of this innovative offering.

Participation in fare bidding is voluntary for both passengers and drivers, and existing fixed fare features such as JustGrab and GrabCar remain available. Drivers interested in fare bidding must activate the feature to engage in this pricing model.

The fare bidding process unfolds with a passenger suggesting a fare they are willing to pay for the intended ride. Subsequently, drivers have a 15-second window to either accept the proposed fare or counter-offer with a different amount. The counter-offer is then displayed on the app for the passenger to consider.

This bidding system empowers passengers to select their preferred driver based on the offered fare. After making a decision, passengers notify the chosen driver within 15 to 20 seconds, completing the fare bidding process.

According to Grab, this innovative feature aims to establish a “more transparent and flexible pricing system” by facilitating mutual agreements between passengers and drivers on ride fares. The pilot program aligns with Grab’s commitment to enhancing user experiences and introducing dynamic elements to its service, potentially shaping the future of ride-hailing pricing models.

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