Bitcoin Payments to Ransomware Hacker Groups Hits $60 Million

Bitcoin has emerged as one of the preferred payment methods for hackers with payments valued at over $60 million. As per the data acquired by crypto currency trading simulator Crypto Parrot, the amount of Bitcoin paid to major hacker groups has a value of $60.87 million or 5,491,37 BTC. The Netwalker ransomware accounts for the highest payments at $27.95 million, followed by REvil at $11.32 million, while Ryuk ranks third with $4.67 payments in Bitcoin. RagnarLocker ransomware accounts for $4.45 million to rank in the fourth spot, while DarkSide ranks fifth at $4.42 million.

Other notable Bitcoin ransomware payments include Egregor ($3.15 million), Conti ($2.45 million), Bitpaymer ($1.06 million), SynAck ($0.49 million) and Qlocker ($0.48 million).

Netwalker accounts for almost half of the payments at 46.24 percent, followed by REvil at 18.73 percent, while Ryuk accounts for the third-highest share at 7.73 percent.

“It is worth mentioning that the ransomware payments in Bitcoin could be higher because there is no comprehensive public data on the total number of ransomware payments. In the absence of exact data, it is not clear to determine the actual impact of ransomware and its relation to crypto currencies,” stated the report.

The rise in Bitcoin as the preferred payment method for hackers is due to the cryptocurrency’s anonymous nature. Criminals prefer Bitcoin because it is not easy to track beneficiaries of the asset.

Furthermore, other highly privacy-centered crypto currencies like Monero are also gaining popularity as the preferred method for payments by hackers. However, with limited cash-out options, Bitcoin remains the go-to crypto for hackers.

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