Australian SMS Analytics Service VidCorp Rebrands to Tall Bob

VidCorp, mobile communications, engagement and analytics provider, has announced a broad company rebrand to Tall Bob. Having acquired premium MMS gateway, Thirdscreen in 2021, Tall Bob has cemented its position as a key leader for SMS and MMS within the accelerating industry of omnichannel engagement.

SaaS technology platform based in Australia and its associated advisory services have connected eCommerce, politics, medical, hospitality, real estate (and more) brands with millions of consumers for over a decade.

With backing and guidance from business influencers like Kim Williams AM (Tall Bob Chairman, former CEO at News Corp and Foxtel), Glynn and former tennis champion Lleyton Hewitt and Dr Michael Ottaviano, Tall Bob is a leading innovator within the industry. Demand for its personalized solutions has seen Tall Bob grow consistently over the past three financial years, increasing its specialist staff by 57 percent since October 2021.

Ryan Berman, CEO, Tall Bob, said, “The average person sees thousands of advertisements per day across multiple platforms. It’s significantly easier to grab someone’s attention when the platform is located in the palm of their hand. Mobile phones are the most personal tech device people have and they need to be respected for how much power they hold. As new senders, like politicians enter the Australian market, and scammers become more prolific, it’s critical to use local messaging suppliers who know and understand the local laws. Tall Bob combines its proprietary platform data and experienced strategy to educate organizations on how to respect the mobile phone all whilst cutting through the clutter.”

Bespoke, growth marketing:

Mobile phone usage is growing exponentially with research from App Annie’s State of Mobile 2022 report highlighting that Australians collectively spent 3.8 trillion hours (4.8 hours or 20 percent of the day) looking at phone screens in 2021. Tall Bob believes that it’s crucial for businesses to think outside of traditional communication strategies and engage with omnichannel platforms in order to stay relevant and grow.

Tall Bob’s core mission is to help brands connect and elevate SMS to a vital and powerful messaging channel. Unlike SMS services that focus on quantity, Tall Bob works on quality messaging to ensure that brands are successful in connecting with people in meaningful ways with reliable and measurable engagement metrics. Tall Bob’s tailored consultancy approach brings a local understanding that helps Australian businesses build relationships at scale and meet revenue, sales and operational objectives.

Interestingly, there has been a significant increase in mobile messaging amongst member-based organizations including political parties. Mobile phones are the most crucial engagement tool for connecting with young audiences and reaching remote areas where traditional campaigning may not cut through.

Tall Bob stands out from other services by working with membership organizations and politicians to ensure data alongside an experienced strategy to execute effective and compliant campaigns. In fact, a recent send for a membership organization saw their message re-shared for a response rate of more than 452 percent of the original SMS dispatched audience.

SMS is undeniably number one:

SMS continues to be one of the most popular forms of mobile engagement for businesses with data showing that over 2.8 billion messages were sent by businesses every day in 2020. Thanks to its reliability and accessibility, SMS is widely used by businesses to gather verifications, validations, and to share discounts and promotional information. It’s the fastest form of written communication with over 90 percent of SMS messages read within 90 seconds. Consumers absorb SMS faster and people feel compelled to open their SMS whereas they may leave emails unread.

MMS is also quickly growing in popularity. The use of videos and images offers a creative point of difference offering an exciting communication avenue. With the acquisition of Thirdscreen, Tall Bob utilises all possibilities that MMS offers, providing clients with more options for highly trusted and creative engagement while measuring how and what attracts attention.

Ryan Berman added, “Mobile engagement is the most impactful marketing tool for brands. Our key focus is and always will be to provide unique engagement tools and data for businesses to effectively engage with their audience that allows them to achieve their business objective.”

Affordable messaging in the palm of your hand:

Tall Bob produces outstanding results, with clients achieving reach that sees +1200 percent click-thru rates. Companies that have proven success by strategizing with Tall Bob include Australia’s largest eCommerce platforms, retail outlets, FMCG brands, prestigious sporting venues and events, plus supermarket chains and a significant proportion of the real estate market. Depending on the campaign, brands can send millions of simultaneous messages seeing responses and sales within minutes.

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