Singtel Group’s Future Makers Program Recognizes Innovative Social Impact Start-Ups

The Singtel Group Future Makers (SGFM) 2023 has crowned six pioneering social impact start-ups for their innovative work in leveraging cutting-edge technology to address critical societal challenges

The Singtel Group Future Makers (SGFM) 2023 has crowned six pioneering social impact start-ups for their innovative work in leveraging cutting-edge technology to address critical societal challenges. This annual event, which has been running since 2016, is dedicated to nurturing technological solutions that drive positive change in areas such as healthcare, education, data privacy, environment, and inclusion.

With over 3,000 applicants from Singtel, its subsidiary Optus in Australia, and regional associates across six countries, 80 start-ups were initially selected to participate in intensive capacity-building and mentorship workshops. Following this, only nine top-performing teams progressed to the regional finals, held at SGFM 2023. Among these, six emerged as winners, securing the opportunity to receive funding for regional market development or to collaborate closely with Singtel and its regional associates to expand their solutions.

The winning solutions, inspired by real-life stories of elderly individuals, busy professionals, and urban commuters, demonstrated the potential of advanced technologies, including 5G, to drive regional-scale impact. Virtual Psychologist and GEPP received the top honors, each receiving grants of $40,000 and $30,000, respectively. All six winners will also benefit from the Group’s support, including mentorship and access to a vast customer base comprising over 770 million mobile users.

Andrew Buay, Vice President of Group Sustainability at Singtel, emphasized the program’s mission, stating, “This year’s SGFM winners have shown how technology such as 5G, AI, and IoT can be used to develop meaningful solutions that address many pressing social issues, from aging to urban traffic congestion. We’re excited to support them with our network, expertise, and resources so they can grow beyond their home markets and bring their innovations to the people who need them.”

Here’s a closer look at the winning solutions:

  1. Virtual Psychologist: A text-based counseling service aimed at improving mental well-being in the workplace, offering discreet, on-demand support for employees.
  2. GEPP: A digital platform providing consultancy, data-driven insights, and analytical services to assist businesses in waste management and achieving sustainability goals.
  3. SoundEye: Leveraging sound recognition and depth imaging vision analytics technology, SoundEye addresses aged care, healthcare, and surveillance needs while safeguarding personal privacy. The system can detect abnormal sounds and motions, enabling immediate emergency response.
  4. Tictag: A mobile app that gamifies the process of tagging images, texts, and audio files, allowing users, especially those with disabilities, to earn income by completing tagging tasks. The tagged data aids companies in training AI models for their businesses.
  5. myEco: Empowered by an AI-powered smart advisor, myEco assists busy individuals in optimizing electricity usage through an automated app.
  6. Aqilliz: A digital marketing software service utilizing blockchain technology to ensure data privacy and security for companies collecting first-party data for consumer insights, advertising, and measurement.

These innovative solutions showcase the potential of technology to make a significant positive impact on various societal challenges and are a testament to the commitment of Singtel Group and its partners in fostering innovation for social good.

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