CXOTV DAILY NEWS CAPSULE | Wednesday | 19th May’21

Indian Data Center Sector to Require $3.7 Billion of Investment by 2023 to Meet Demand

India’s data center sector will require investment of $3.7 billion over the next three years in order to fulfill the 6 million sq. ft greenfield development opportunity for the industry, a JLL report titled ‘2020 India Data Center Market Update’ stated.

“India’s colocation data center industry witnessed unprecedented absorption of 102 MW during 2020, notching higher absorption than most key markets of Europe and America. Fueled by longer-term trends of rising cloud adoption, increasing digitalisation and progressive legislation, we anticipate increased demand for colocation space nationwide. Rising demand led data center operators and developers to pursue ambitious expansion plans, while some adopted the acquisition route to enter Indian markets, which we expect to continue. Colocation capacity grew by around 28 percent to reach 447 MW in 2020 from 350 MW in 2019,” said Rachit Mohan, Head, Data Center Advisory (India), JLL.

As the data centre landscape continues to evolve, the industry is expected to grow exponentially to reach 1,007 MW by 2023 from its existing capacity of 447 MW. With growing reliance on digital connectivity, demand is likely to ramp up further due to the imminent rollout of 5G rollout, IoT-linked devices, data localisation and cloud adoption.

Mumbai and Chennai are expected to drive 73 percent of the sector’s total capacity addition during 2021-23, while other cities like Hyderabad and Delhi NCR emerging as new hotspots.

Oil and Gas Companies Committed to Reinvention Expect Twice the Revenue and Margin Growth

The oil and gas companies most committed to reinventing themselves over the next three years as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic expect to grow their revenues and margins at twice the rate of companies least committed to reinvention, according to a new report from Accenture that outlines best practices companies should adopt to thrive in the energy transition.

The report features results from a global survey of more than 200 oil and gas executives and introduces Accenture’s “Reinvention Index,” which analyzed the companies across key factors related to reinvention. Accenture classified the 10% of companies that scored the highest in the Index — who are setting the pace for reinvention through bold and decisive action — as reinvention “Leaders,” with those in the bottom 25% labeled “Laggards.”

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all of the Leaders plan at least some level of significant changes to their business, with half (50%) intending radical reinvention, compared with only 9% of the Laggards. Almost seven in 10 Leaders (69%) consider enterprise-wide transformation essential to this reinvention and 77% of Leaders see cloud as essential to their business reinvention plans in the next three years.

Sapio Smart Healthcare Creates Covid Protocol Bot for Doctors

Sapio Smart Healthcare, a division of government advisory firm Sapio Analytics, through its unique in-house team of AI experts and medical doctors, has created a Protocol Bot for doctors that has been in use by various doctors from across India, to follow the protocol for investigation and treatment of COVID-19. This is a smart bot that guides a medical professional on how they should treat a patient, through a simple chat based interaction. Many junior doctors in smaller towns of India have been using it especially to get trained on the required protocols. In order to fight with upcoming situation, this Protocol Bot has now been modified to include protocols for treatment of children. It follows guidelines from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to do so.

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