CXOTV DAILY NEWS CAPSULE | Tuesday | 18th May’21

Worldwide Security and Risk Management Spending to Exceed $150 Billion in 2021

Worldwide spending on information security and risk management technology and services is forecast to grow 12.4% in 2021, to reach $150.4 billion, according to the latest forecast from Gartner. Security and risk management spending grew 6.4% in 2020.

Gartner analysts said the strong growth rate reflects continuing demand for remote worker technologies and cloud security.

In the Gartner 2021 CIO Agenda Survey, cybersecurity was the top priority for new spending, with 61% of the more than 2,000 CIOs surveyed increasing investment in cyber/information security this year.

Security services including consulting, hardware support, implementation and outsourced services represent the largest category of spending in 2021, at almost $72.5 billion worldwide.

Vietnam Among Highest in Online Piracy in Southeast Asia

A new study of the online content viewing behaviour of Vietnamese consumers has found that 60% access streaming piracy websites or torrent sites. The levels of piracy went as high as 65% within the 18-24 age demographics. The survey, commissioned by the Asia Video Industry Association’s Coalition Against Piracy (CAP) and conducted by YouGov, found that 59% of consumers who accessed piracy sites cancelled their subscriptions to both local and international content services.

The levels of piracy in Vietnam now dwarfs neighbouring Malaysia and Indonesia, which have both seen substantial reductions in online piracy in the last 18 months. In both countries a key variable for the decline in online piracy levels was the government’s proactive piracy site blocking initiative.

L&T Technology Services Develops an AI-based Parking Guidance Solution with Intel

L&T Technology Services has announced that it worked with Intel Corporation to develop an outdoor smart parking solution. The solution is powered by the Intel distribution of the OpenVINO Toolkit to run AI inferencing models on Intel Xeon scalable processors and Intel Movidius VPUs. With edge AI capabilities, the solution aims to redefine the outdoor smart parking experience in public areas across the globe.

Designed for a cloud-enabled world, the solution has four key components: an operator portal that hosts user information; a mobile application for end-user interface; a digital signage module to ensure safe and secured access; and a digital camera – all connected by the AWS cloud platform. This architecture helps end users easily locate available parking spaces in outdoor parking lots. 

The solution, which does not require sensors, can cover thousands of parking spots. Some of the key features include offering users a personalized experience through the app, enabling reservation of parking spots and real-time occupancy tracking, and providing parking insights via an AI-enabled surveillance for operators through augmented video analytics.

The smart parking solution can be installed in parking areas in airports, stadiums, shopping malls and office campuses.

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