CXOTV DAILY NEWS CAPSULE | Saturday | 24th July’21

Personalized Digital Experience is Vital for 77% of Indian Consumers

Over 77 percent of Indian consumers are more likely to buy again from brands which treat them like an individual, rather than the same as any other customer, as per new research from OpenText.

The research says that 68 percent of Indian consumers would be put off buying again from a brand due to a bad experience. In fact, the same number (68 percent) do not believe there is such thing as a ‘customer for life’ anymore in 2021, suggesting that brands cannot rely on customer loyalty.

When buying products or services online, nearly eight out of ten (80 percent) Indian consumers say that an easy search is very important to them. Furthermore, more than seven out of ten (72 percent) prefer to shop with brands that auto-fill and remember their details for next time. There is, however, pressure on brands to store that data correctly: almost 77 percent would even be willing to pay more to do business with a brand that is committed to protecting their personal data.

90% of Global Businesses Struggle with Inclusion, Diversity in their Technology Functions

Ninety percent of global businesses struggle with inclusion and diversity practices within their technology/IT teams, according to the recent research report from Capgemini Research Institute.

According to the report, 85 percent of leadership executives believe their organizations provide equitable opportunities for career development and promotions to every employee across their organizations, but only 19 percent of women and ethnic minority employees agree.

The spectrum of the perception gap is vast. 75 percent of leadership executives believe that women and ethnic minorities feel a sense of belonging in their organizations, but only 24 percent of these employees in tech functions concur. 53 percent of women and ethnic minority employees feel comfortable sharing personal experiences with other employees and peers, whereas only 9 percent of them feel the same comfort level with their leadership.

Barracuda Uncovers Alarming Number of Attacks Probing for Unpatched Software Vulnerabilities

While analyzing the data from the attacks blocked by their systems over the past two months, researchers of Barracuda identified hundreds of thousands of automated scans and attacks per day, with the numbers sometimes spiking into the millions. The data also points towards thousands of scans per day for the recently patched Microsoft and VMware vulnerabilities.

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