CXOTV DAILY NEWS CAPSULE | Friday | 16th July’21

Google Cloud Adds Second Cloud Region in India

Google Cloud has expanded its footprint in India with its second Cloud Region in the country in Delhi NCR. The development is in line with the company’s strategy to compete with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. This is the company’s 26th Cloud Region globally, and 10th in Asia Pacific.

The centre will help Google Cloud to serve customers across industries, especially the public sector in India and across the Asia Pacific. Google’s first cloud region in India, which comprises three “availability zones,” went live in Mumbai in 2017. The Delhi-NCR cloud region, which also has three availability zones, will benefit customers operating in India with low latency and high performance of cloud-based workloads and data.

IoT, Automation among APAC Logistics Industry’s Investment Priorities

Almost a third of logistics companies in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region are considering IoT (37 percent), warehouse automation (33 percent), and electric vehicles (32 percent) as key investment priorities in the next two years, as per the new research from Here Technologies in partnership with global consulting firm, Frost & Sullivan. Over half of the logistics companies are also leveraging map-based solutions with real-time location data for fleet tracking.

While GPS (77 percent), RFID (31 percent), and QR codes (20 percent) are commonly used in fleet management, IoT is swiftly gaining popularity with 21 percent of respondents having adopted it. Two out of five logistics companies will be implementing IoT solutions across all assets over the next two years. The study surveyed 152 logistics companies in six key countries in APAC: Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand.

Trend Micro Warns of Ransomware Targeting Industrial Control Systems 

Trend Micro has released a new report highlighting the growing risk of downtime and sensitive data theft from ransomware attacks aimed at industrial facilities. Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are a crucial element of utility plants, factories and other facilities—where they’re used to monitor and control industrial processes across IT-OT networks.

According to the latest report by Trend Micro, the US is by far the country with the most ransomware detections affecting ICSs, with India, Taiwan, and Spain a far second. India has the most coinminer, Equated malware, and WannaCry ransomware detections. Also, legacy malware (particularly worms in removable drives and file infecting viruses) had the most detections in India, China, the US, and Taiwan. 

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